Here’s a transcript of the video:
Why do I train in aikido?
I have been training in aikido for a very long time.
And I am off and on asked why, after many years of training, I still practice aikido.
Well, there are a bunch of reasons. One reason is that it’s really fun. I’m not kidding. After all these years, I still have a total blast getting on the mat and training. I’m still learning and discovering new aspects to aikido. And that’s tremendous fun for me.
Another is that the physical movements of aikido are good for my body. Even if I am not training vigorously, aikido keeps me strong and mobile. It keeps my neurology alert and ready for surprises. My flexibility stays good.
Continuing to practice keeps my situational awareness good. In other words, I tend to stay pretty aware of what’s going on around me. I’ll tell you a story about that sometime soon.
Those are good reasons and they are true for me. But they’re not the biggest reason.
The biggest reason for me to continue training is the people. I meet, get the train with, and become friends with, some of the most wonderful and amazing people. I am consistently astonished at the quality of people that I can honestly call my friends. I learn so much from them and have so much fun with them. They are inspiring, to say the least.
My life is so much fuller and and more joyful because of these wonderful people.
I have asked quite a number of advanced aikidoists why they continue to train after decades. They give me precisely the same answer that I gave you. It’s the people, not just the art.
But please understand something critically important: Aikido draws, matures, and nurtures a very special group of people. Hang around this art and you will see what I mean. The people who make up this art are worth a lifetime of practice.
So, if anyone ever asks me if aikido works, I smile, laugh and say yes, indeed, it works. Just look at my friends.
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